XBSlink, Xlink Kai онлайн тоглолтууд

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XBSlink, Xlink Kai онлайн тоглолтууд

Post by Nacho »

Xlink-ээр холбож тоглосон тоглолтуудаа оруулж байхаар шийдлээ. Ийм боломж байгааг мэддэггүй хүмүүст мэдээлэл болно байх. :wd:
Анхны бичлэг Call of Duty Black Ops 2
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Re: XLink Kai online тоглолтууд

Post by Nacho »

Hawk гишүүн yahoo ID-aa uldeegeech? Online тоглохоор болбол хамт тоглоё?
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Re: XLink Kai online тоглолтууд

Post by Nacho »

Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Zombie Xlink Kai програмаар online тоглосон бичлэг. Zombie mode их амттай шүү :wd:
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Re: XLink Kai online тоглолтууд

Post by Nacho »

Twisted Metal PS3 тоглоомыг Xlink Kai програмаар online тоглосон бичлэг.
Энэ тоглоомыг олон жил тоглоогүй байж байгаад тоглосон чинь гар хуруу нэг л эвлэж өгөхгүй сонин байлаа. Дээрээс нь эхлээд нисдэг тэрэг жолоодсон чинь бүүр хэрэг алга :P
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Re: XLink Kai online тоглолтууд

Post by HawK »

Nacho wrote:Hawk гишүүн yahoo ID-aa uldeegeech? Online тоглохоор болбол хамт тоглоё?
[email protected]
bi sn oilgodgui e. ps3 ee note-teigee LAN-gaar holboh yostoi yum u?
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Re: XLink Kai online тоглолтууд

Post by Nacho »

Just do it. Then you will understand
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Re: XLink Kai online тоглолтууд

Post by Nacho »

Hawk messengertee orood ireech?
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Re: XBSlink online тоглолтууд

Post by Nacho »

PS3 COD BO 2 Zombie онлайн тоглолт. Золбаяр гээд шинэ гишүүнтэй боллоо :wd:
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Re: XBSlink, Xlink Kai онлайн тоглолтууд

Post by Nacho »

3 тоглогч COD Black Ops 2 үнэгүй онлайн тоглолоо.

Та үүнийг мэдэх үү?
Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Zombie үнэ төлбөргүй онлайн тоглох боломжтой. XBSLink програмаар монголчууд өөрсдөө хост хийгээд гацахгүй тоглож байна.

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Re: XBSlink, Xlink Kai онлайн тоглолтууд

Post by Nacho »

Гурван тоглогч COD Black Ops 2 үнэгүй онлайн тоглолоо.

Та үүнийг мэдэх үү?
Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Zombie үнэ төлбөргүй онлайн тоглох боломжтой. XBSLink програмаар монголчууд өөрсдөө хост хийгээд гацахгүй тоглож байна.

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Re: XBSlink, Xlink Kai онлайн тоглолтууд

Post by Nacho »

Дөрвөн тоглогч COD Black Ops 2 Multiplayer онлайнаар үнэгүй тоглолоо.
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Re: XBSlink, Xlink Kai онлайн тоглолтууд

Post by Nacho »

Дөрвөн тоглогч COD Black Ops 2 Multiplayer, Zombie онлайнаар үнэгүй тоглолоо.
(Нэг PS3 дээр хоёр гар дэлгэцээ хуваагаад тоглосон)

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Re: XBSlink, Xlink Kai онлайн тоглолтууд

Post by Nacho »

Хэний ч санаанд багтамгүй мэдээллийг та бүхэндээ хүргэж байгаадаа баяртай байна. OnlinePlay.mn тоглоомын системийн тусламжтайгаар citinet-ийн хэрэглэгч нар интернетийн хугацаа нь дуусахаараа түр хугацаанд cititube welcome эрхээр ороод Warcraft 3 Dota (garena-тай холбогдсон ч болно), UMK3, COD4 MW1, FIFA10, Starcraft 1,2 гэх мэт onlineplay-ийн бараг бүх тоглоомыг тоглож болдог билээ.
Харин энэ удаад XBSLink програмын тусламжтайгаар PS3, Xbox360 консолуудыг мөн адил CITITUBE WELCOME эрхээр орж онлайн тоглох боломжтой боллоо. Энэ бичлэгээс та бүхэн Zok (Brook) гишүүн cititube welcome-оор ороод onlineplay.mn VPN сүлжээгээр PS3 COD Black Ops 2 холбож тоглож байгааг харж болно. ЖИНХЭНЭ СЕНСАЦИ :wd:
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Re: XBSlink, Xlink Kai онлайн тоглолтууд

Post by Nacho »

Та үүнийг мэдэх үү?
Жэйлбрийктэй, жэйлбрийгүй ямар ч PlayStation 3-аар үнэ төлбөргүй онлайн тоглох боломжтой юм. Тэр бүү хэл citinet-ийн хэрэглэгч нар cititube welcome-оор ороод ч PS3-аа онлайн тоглох боломжтой. Гайхалтай биш гэж үү :D
Ажиллах зарчим нь нэг хүн хост хийхэд бусад тоглогч гадны ямар ч серверээр дамжихгүйгээр шууд хост хийсэн хүн рүү холбогдох юм. Иймээс гацалт, хоцрогдол гэсэн ойлголт огт байхгүй, учир нь монголчууд хоорондоо тоглож байгаа учир PING 5-20ms маш бага юм. Ашиглах програм нь XBSLink юм.

Жишээ болгож COD Black Ops 2-ыг cititube-ээр холбогдсон гурван тоглогч хамтдаа онлайн тоглож буй бичлэгээ хүргэж байна. 2013-03-29

Бидэнтэй нэгдэж илүү ихийг мэдэхийг хүсвэл дараах Facebook group рүү зочлоорой:
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Re: XBSlink, Xlink Kai онлайн тоглолтууд

Post by Nacho »

GOW Ascension тоглоомын үндсэн цэсийг үзлээ.
Multiplayer нь харамсалтай нь LAN Play байхгүй зөвхөн PSN-ээр л тоглох боломжтой юм байна.
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Re: XBSlink, Xlink Kai онлайн тоглолтууд

Post by Nacho »

Zipmaa гээд шинэ гишүүнтэй тоглолоо. Мөн zipmaa дэлгэцээ хуваагаад дүүтэйгээ тоглосон. :wd:

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Re: XBSlink, Xlink Kai онлайн тоглолтууд

Post by Nacho »

Энэ удаад дөрвөн гар тоглолоо. Энэ зомбиг тоглохдоо нэг газар суучаад л өөрсдийгөө хамгаалаад суугаад байхад л барахгүй юм байна. Мэргэжлийн гарууд зугтаж гүйгээд байгаа харагддаг. Тэгж л тоглохгүй бол болохгүй нь бололтой.

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Re: XBSlink, Xlink Kai онлайн тоглолтууд

Post by Nacho »

Call of Duty Zombie - Jugger-Nog ундааны тайлбар

2500 оноо

Тоглогчийн амийг 250% болгоно. Энгийн үед зомбид 1-2 цохиулаад унадаг бол, энэ ундааг ууснаар 3-5 удаа цохиулаад унана.

Town map дээр шатаж байгаа барилгын 2-р давхарт байрлана.
Tranzit map дээр автобусанд суугаад Town дээр очоод мөн л шатаж байгаа барилгын 2-р давхарт гарч ууна.
The Bus Depot map дээр огт байхгүй.
Farm map дээр зуны байшин дотор 2-р давхарт байрлана.
Nuketown map дээр санамсаргүйгээр энд танд гарч ирнэ.

Таних тэмдэг:

Дэргэд нь очиход дугардаг ая:

Дууны үг:
"When you need some help to get by, something to make you feel strong. Reach for Juggernog tonight, sugar seduction delight! When you need to feel big and strong, reach for Juggernog tonight!"
— Juggernog Jingle
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Re: XBSlink, Xlink Kai онлайн тоглолтууд

Post by Nacho »

The MK48
COD Black Ops 2 тоглоомын бууны танилцуулга орууллаа. Гэм нь Англи хэл дээр...
A futurized version of the MK46, the MK48 comes into Black Ops II as the ultimate automatic weapon at range boasting some of the highest bullet for bullet damage, the longest range and extremely low recoil. A snipers bane and a threat to all that oppose it. The MK48 may be slow on the draw, but it will never let you down once its laying down lead.


Damage Statistics
Damage: 49-30 (3-4 shot kill)
Headshot Multiplier: 1.2x (2-3 shot kill with headshots)
Rate of Fire: 625 RPM (Default) 833 RPM (Rapid Fire)
Range: 3 hit kill (85 meters)
Wall penetration: High

Handling Statistics
Mobility: 90%
Recoil: Very Low (Default) Low-Moderate (Rapid Fire)
ADS Time: .45 seconds in and out of your sight
Magazine Size: 100 rounds (135 with Extended Clip)
Hip-Fire: Poor
Reload Speeds: 8 seconds (Standard) 8 seconds (Empty) 5.45 seconds (add-time)

General Thoughts on the MK48
The "Rambo" LMG for Black Ops II, the MK48 comes loaded with outstanding damage and phenomenal range, not finally dropping down to its 4 hit kill till after 85 meters and unlike weapons like the SCAR-H, its recoil is very low, meaning that the MK48 can make use of its high range and hit targets from afar. Unfortunately it pays in the handling department, having poor hip-fire, horrible ADS speeds and absolutely disgraceful reload times.

Advantages of the MK48
High damage and range make the MK48 a true LMG
The MK48 has above average damage to begin with with a maxmimum damage of 49, the highest for a full-auto weapon. However what is truly astounding is the range on the 3 hit kill. At 85 meters, The MK48 will always be a 3 hit kill unless shooting through very thick cover or using a silencer or rapid-fire. Even with the said attachments, the MK48 maintains a very admirable range profile and is reminiscent of the LMG's of older COD games that didn't drop time to kill over any range on the battlefield.

No Recoil with extreme accuracy across any distance
Partially helped by its sluggish rate of fire at 625 RPM, the MK48 has practically zero recoil and therefore can take advantage of its superior damage over range in comparison to other weapons such as the SCAR-H. LSAT or HAMR that have to much recoil to make reliant use of their extremely high damage over range.

Largest magazine size in the game for unrelenting firepower
At 100 rounds, the MK48 will almost never be caught empty during a fire-fight and will often have enough bullets in the clip to last several engagements without reloading where other weapons will leave you vulnerable. The MK48 with careful timing will never let you down in the fire-fight and ensures that running dry in the middle of firefights will becomes a mark of the past.

Disadvantages of the MK48

Horrible handling which limits the MK48's manuverability
Everything about the MK48's handling is bad, you walk at 90%, the slowest base walking speed, your hip-fire performance is among the worst in the game, you aim pathetically down your sight in nearly half a second etc. This ensures that you always have to keep enemies at a good distance or else risk getting out-maneuvered by enemies with much more nimble weapons. While the MK48 might dominate these weapons from afar, the lack of good reactivity up-close will often get you killed if they get to close.

Atrocious Reload Time will leave you vulnerable for a very long time when you need to replenish the mag.
While you won't have to reload that often, the reload time of 8 seconds for the MK48 means that you will have to be very careful when the clip finally goes click'. The Longest reload for a weapon in Black Ops II forces players to play defensively as to be caught even near enemies when you have to reload will be the death sentence. Certain attachments such as Extended Clip can help this issue slightly by making reloading more infrequent, but it just means that it will be more painful in the end when the counter finally hits 0.

Summary of the MK48: Unrelenting Damage
The MK48 is a weapon of extreme power. When aimed down the sight from a good vantage point, there is very little that can beat the MK48 which comes to the fight bearing extreme damage, range and a clip that will waste entire teams without changing mags. Unfortunately, the MK48 is also one of the slowest weapons as well and players bearing the MK48 will have to be knowledgeable about the flow of the fighting and spawns or be caught in close quarters with a weapon that simply get you killed with its sluggish reflexes in point blank combat. Still, the secret to this weapon is merely keeping foes out of reach and when you do, you will slaughter your foes, pouring a seemingly unending supply of lead and death that would make Rambo proud. While the MK48 won't often get the first blood, those who can keep their foes in the sights of the MK48... are sure to get the last laugh.
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Re: XBSlink, Xlink Kai онлайн тоглолтууд

Post by Nacho »

The M8A1
The M8A1, an assault rifle based on the prototype XM8 design comes to the battlefield with deadly accuracy and furious rates of fire. The M8A1 will not disappoint those seeking a weapon with well-rounded capabilities as with the select-fire attachment, the M8A1 turns into the complete package for up-close and from afar engagements.

Damage Statistics
Damage: 35-24 (3-5 shot kill)
Headshot multiplier: 1.0x (No bonus for hitting the head)
Rate of Fire: 1250 RPM (Within the Burst) 789 RPM (Overall fire-rate in burst-fire mode) 937.5 RPM (Select Fire: Fully Automatic)
Range: 3 shot kill (6 meters) 4 shot kill (30 meters)
Wall Penetration: Medium

Handling Statistics
Mobility: 95%
Recoil: Low (Burst-Fire) Moderate (Fully automatic w/select fire)
ADS Time: .25 seconds in and out of your sight
Magazine Size: 32 rounds (42 with Extended Clip)
Hip-fire: Average (Same as AR standard)
Reload Times: 2.32 seconds (standard) 2.9 seconds (empty) 1.65 seconds (add-time)

General Thoughts on the M8A1
The M8A1 is an assault rifle that can overpower your enemies with ease, boasting a high fire rate and good accuracy. In addition, the Select Fire attachment makes the M8A1 into the most versatile weapon in Black Ops II to those who know when to flip the switch. Be careful however of the lower bullet power when taking out foes that boast weapons of higher bullet caliber.

Advantages of the M8A1
Fastest fire-rate and low recoil in its class
At 1250 RPM, the burst fire of the M8A1 is the fastest firing among all assault rifles. Even with the burst delay, the M8 can potentially fire faster the the SCAR-H, M27 and MTAR overall, giving the M8A1 the ability to fill your foes with lead at a rate much quicker than any other assault rifles can. Even its recoil within Select Fire is controllable, being on par with other weapons with kick like the Type 25 and MTAR.

Select Fire makes the M8A1 the most well-rounded weapon in the game
At a very high 937.5 RPM when in select fire mode, the M8A1 is the only weapon that doesn't lose damage over range when having a fully-automatic select fire option. As such, the only penalty is the decent recoil increase. However in close to medium range, the recoil is more than controllable. With proper useage of the selector switch, the M8A1 becomes dominate at all ranges with a non-existent recoil profile within burst-fire mode for handling long range firefights and high power and fire-rate up close when switched to full-auto. The sheer versatility of the M8A1 is its strongest suit being able to handle CQC relatively well and dominating at range but when select fire is activated it truly is allowed to dominate both in CQC and on the sniper sightlines.

Disadvantage of the M8A1
Low Bullet Power within the class
While the M8A1 is capable of a 3 hit kill, your target must be 6 meters away from you in order to acquire that 35 damage per bullet meaning that the M8 is a practical 4-5 hit kill weapon. While the M8A1 does compensate for this by having a 4 round burst and a fast rate of fire, other weapons like the SWAT-556 which is a 3-4 hit kill with a high fire rate will be able to beat it in the time to kill department. This will also result in your kills being dependent on your aim and more importantly, your connection.

Summary of the M8A1: Versatile weapon for any engagement
With high accuracy and fire rate, the M8A1 is a weapon that bets on its high accuracy and handling to make up for its low bullet power. While rarely a 1 burst kill, the M8 ensure that a 2nd burst is never far behind making it one of the faster killing weapons in Black Ops II. To those who can hit their enemies reliably, the M8A1 will reward players with fast kills and great handling at all ranges and potentially the best handling with the select fire attachment. Unfortunately, to those who need a weapon that bets on ease of use, the M8A1 will frustrate users again and again who will find themselves in a sea of hit-markers when pitched against heavy hitting LMG"s and Assault Rifles. Still to those who can stay on target, the M8A1 will be a reliable go to for one burst kills that kill long before your enemy can return fire. Quick on the pull and with a deadly output of lead, the M8..... will always have your back.
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