For those being c4eva faithful, his iXtreme Burner Max firmware should be one of your best friends by now. Alongside the DVDs and apps should be a Liteon iHas Rev B drive that's responsible for burning proper XGD3 games. If it's not there, you want to hurry up and get one as they have been discontinued.
This is of significance as the iHas Rev C drives, the replacement to the Rev Bs, have been confirmed to be not flashable with a custom firmware. If you've been sitting out on getting one of those drives, now is the time to make your move as prices are going up. Before you know it, they will all be gone.
I did some searching around and found iHas B drives still available from Amazon. Remember that you will need a drive with a "B" chipset. "A" and "Y" chipsets will not work with the firmware. You can read up on the differences here. ... burning-fw
The Liteon 1175 drive is the first in the DG-16D5S series that has graced the Xbox Slim console. Although it was a new hardware revision, that did not stop c4eva and his team from cracking it open. Development may have looked as if it came to a standstill but that isn't the case. c4eva has been working on iXtreme LT+ v3.0 for the drive and he has come back with results. A few days ago, c4eva popped into IRC to announce that the iXtreme LT+ v3.0 firmware has been completed and will be undergoing testing soon, if not already.
c4eva's firmware release will be met with the release of Team Xecuter's Unlocked Replacement PCB. The replacement PCB will allow users to flash the firmware to their drives while being able to lock and unlock them as they please. Best of all, they will be protected (as much as possible), from bans on Xbox Live. The replacement PCB will launch alongside the release of c4eva's firmware.
As iXtreme LT+ v3.0 enters its testing phase, make sure to keep an eye out for any updates as well as putting aside any dough that you would need to for the unlocked PCB.