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Call Of Duty MW3 Animated PS3 theme

Posted: 17 Jan 2013, 18:35
by Nacho
Call Of Duty MW3 Animated PS3 theme
Call Of Duty: MW3 Animated UPDATE – For all firmwares including 4.0
This animated theme is different to all others as the animation (video clip) is at built in the bottom quarter of the screen. In my opinion this is the best animated theme

This is a tutorial on how to install ps3 themes.

1. go to the root of your usb device or psp or whatever
2. make a new folder called ps3 (must be in block CAPITALS)
3. inside the ps3 folder you just made, make a new folder called theme (this must also be in block CAPITALS)
4. find and download a theme you like from the themes section
5. once you've downloaded a theme you like, right-click it and click copy
6. go to your theme folder in your usb device, right-click and click paste
7. when it is finished copying from your computer put your usb device into your ps3.
8. now on your ps3 go to theme settings and go to theme.
9. a list of options will come up. go to install
10. select your usb device and select the theme you want to install.
11. wait a while and it should install
12. go to theme settings and find your theme
13. press x and hit apply


Re: PlayStation 3 сонин хачин

Posted: 18 Jan 2013, 22:01
by m4r1ne
Zaluusa., mongold ps3 FAt iig e3-flasher ashiglaj downgrade hiiideg humuus bga bolu? meddeg bolj helj ugj tuslaach

Re: PlayStation 3 сонин хачин

Posted: 19 Jan 2013, 01:14
by Nacho
FuckPSN ажиллаж байгаа юм болов уу? Сүүлд ашиглаж үзсэн хүн байна уу?

Re: PlayStation 3 сонин хачин

Posted: 19 Jan 2013, 19:45
by Nazra
Bi playstation 3 avah gesimlda tehde erooso sn medehgui yum haanas yamar ps3 avbal zugeerve bas yaaj hardanda togloom hiih ternes ni togoldog bolgoh tuhai tailbarlad ogooch mun ps3 xbox360 2 iin alin iluu zugeer ve?

Re: PlayStation 3 сонин хачин

Posted: 19 Jan 2013, 20:46
by Nacho
Nazra wrote:Bi playstation 3 avah gesimlda tehde erooso sn medehgui yum haanas yamar ps3 avbal zugeerve bas yaaj hardanda togloom hiih ternes ni togoldog bolgoh tuhai tailbarlad ogooch mun ps3 xbox360 2 iin alin iluu zugeer ve?
Сонирхолтой тоглоомуудтай гэдгээрээ Xbox360-аас илүү PS3 нь дээр байхаа. Харин хаанаас авахыг хэлж мэдэхгүй байна. Харднаасаа тоглоом тоглохыг эрхэмлэж байвал Jailbreak 3.55-тай PS3 (ховордож байгаа) олж авсан нь дээр.

PlayStation 3-ын үүсэл хөгжил

Posted: 18 Feb 2013, 19:29
by Nacho
PlayStation-ны үүсэл хөгжил цуврал: PlayStation 3

Re: PlayStation 3 сонин хачин

Posted: 24 Feb 2013, 11:57
by Anar_7891
4.31 tei ps d jailbreak suulgaj togloom suudag bolgono 88610099

Re: PlayStation 3 сонин хачин

Posted: 24 Feb 2013, 12:34
by Nacho
saihan medee bn shde

Re: PlayStation 3 сонин хачин

Posted: 03 Mar 2013, 11:24
by Nacho
UNCHARTED 3 Multiplayer үнэгүй болчихжээ
UNCHARTED 3 Multiplayer Goes Free-to-Play Today
After a few months of dropping hints our secret is ready to be made public. We are extremely fortunate to have some of the most devoted and amazing fans in gaming and we wanted to introduce those fans, and the world of UNCHARTED 3 multiplayer, to as many people as possible. We also wanted everyone who plays our multiplayer game to engage with it in a way that best suits their own unique play styles. So, it’s time to go big and grow our community even more. With that, we’re thrilled to announce that UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception Multiplayer is going Free-to-Play!

To date, more than 3.5 million people have played in over 37 million matches of UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception Multiplayer. All Free-to-Play players will become a part of this same player pool of over a half a million passionate players actively playing our game every month. So if you haven’t tried yet, you have no excuse to not be playing one of the most exciting multiplayer experiences on the PS3 — it’s free! Join the adventure starting today.

Once you download the Free-to-Play game from the PS Store you can hop online and play for as long as you want, as much as you want, up to Level 15. Upon reaching Level 15, you’re welcome to continue to play as long as you want without paying a penny more. We’ll continue to track your earned experience points as you play, although you won’t be able to unlock or access them. However should you choose to unlock the level cap, we’ll retroactively apply those achievements to your profile and we’ll continue to allow you to build up your profile right from where the Level 15 cap stops you. Although if you choose not unlock the level cap or purchase anything you’ll be missing out on a slew of cool in-game items and downloadable content we have made for the game to date. Here’s a rundown of what you can unlock:


• UNCHARTED 3: Multiplayer Co-op Adventure Add On – Unlocks Co-Op Adventure mode including the Fort Adventure DLC
• UNCHARTED 3: Multiplayer Co-op Arena Add On – Unlocks to gain access to the Co-Op Arena Playlist including the Co-Op Shade Survival Mode DLC for UNCHARTED 3: Multiplayer Free to Play
• UNCHARTED 3: Multiplayer Competitive MP (No Level Limit) – Removes the level cap for UNCHARTED 3: Multiplayer Free to Play
• UNCHARTED 3: Multiplayer Competitive MP (Level 25 Limit) – Removes the Level 15 cap and allows you to play UNCHARTED 3: Multiplayer Free to Play up to Level 25
• UNCHARTED 3: Multiplayer Split Screen Add On – Unlocks Co-Op Adventure mode including the Fort Adventure DLC
• UNCHARTED 3: Multiplayer DLC Map Packs – Unlocks all three DLC map packs released for UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception. Includes Flashback Map Pack 1, Flashback Map Pack 2, and Drake’s Deception Map Pack
• UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception Single Player Experience – Uncover the Truth. Unlock the Single Player campaign

If you really enjoy UNCHARTED 3: Multiplayer Free to Play and are looking for the full UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception experience, the best deal is to pick up the UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception Game of the Year Edition from the in-game store, which also launches today for $39.99. This digital version of the UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception Game of the Year Edition includes all 12 DLC maps, all Co-Op multiplayer modes, and over 40 character skins. Purchase the digital version of the UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception Game of the Year and essentially you’re getting the single-player game for free!

If you already own UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception and you are a long time multiplayer participant, we gave you some very special gifts as a way of saying thank you. Next time you log in online you’ll see a custom Naughty Dog Paw on your rank icon and you’ll receive the Naughty Dog Paw shirt for your custom characters.

Also, to celebrate the launch of UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception Multiplayer Free-to-Play we’re getting more colorful. Every character item and every character skin in multiplayer will now have more color options. These new color options are completely free.

During the coming months, more than 40 additional DLC items will be made available. Every DLC drop will have a theme and we’ll be unveiling that content here on PlayStation.Blog, over on the Naughty Dog Blog, and on our Free-to-Play webpage.

Patch 1.17 was also released recently. It includes some big changes you can read about over on the Naughty Dog Blog. For instance, we’ve added another tier to our Tournament. It’s the Platinum level and we have some very cool permanent Platinum level prizes for people who achieve this prestigious level.

We can’t wait to welcome all the new players into our community. Happy Fortune hunting! See you online!

Re: PlayStation 3 сонин хачин

Posted: 03 Mar 2013, 12:15
by Anar_7891
4.31 tei ps ee jp bolohchloo

Re: PlayStation 3 сонин хачин

Posted: 03 Mar 2013, 12:29
by Nacho
Anar_7891 wrote:4.31 tei ps ee jp bolohchloo
Нийт хэдэн төгрөг зарцуулав?

Re: PlayStation 3 сонин хачин

Posted: 03 Mar 2013, 12:56
by Nacho
PS3-ын тоглоомын гарыг өөрсдийн дураараа хийж болохоор болжээ. Өөрөөр хэлбэл ямар ч хэлбэр дизайнтайгаар PS3 гар хийх боломж хэн бүхний өмнө нээгдлээ гэсэн үг. Үйлдвэрлэл хөгжсөн Хятадуудад л сайхан боломж нээгджээ.

Чип програмчлах хавтан:
Want to make video game controllers? You're in the right place.

UnoJoy lets you take a regular Arduino Uno and turn it into a native USB game controller, compatible with Windows, OSX, and PlayStation 3 (including Home Button support!).

Making cool stuff with UnoJoy? We'd love to hear about it! Check out our project blog for more details, and we'd love to feature your stuff there!

How It Works

UnoJoy is a combination of a library for Arduino and a special firmware file for the communication chip on the Arduino. In order to make your own controller, you'll:

Install the drivers for the communication chip bootloader
In Arduino, use the library to make your own controller interactions, mapping whatever inputs and calculations you want to the buttons and sticks of a PS3 controller.
Use the included testing application to easily test your controller while it's still in Arduino mode.
Use the simple included tools to re-flash the Arduino's communications chip with the special firmware
Plug it into your PC/Mac/PS3 and play!

For more information, check out the Getting Started page

Totally Reversible

The firmware flashing tools are super easy to use, and it's easy to turn your UnoJoy project back into a regular Arduino at any time!

So check out the downloads section for a total release, or download the source repository!

Re: PlayStation 3 сонин хачин

Posted: 03 Mar 2013, 19:00
by Nacho
PlayStation 3 пиратчид энэ дууг чихэндээ хоногштлоо сонсдог байх аа :hihi:
Mulmanager хөгжүүлэгч нар манай уртын дууг дэлхий нийтийн чихэнд хоногшуулж байна даа :wd:

Алсын газрын зэрэглээ

Re: PlayStation 3 сонин хачин

Posted: 17 Mar 2013, 17:26
by Nacho

Re: PlayStation 3 сонин хачин

Posted: 18 Mar 2013, 23:51
by HawK
Nacho wrote:PlayStation 3 пиратчид энэ дууг чихэндээ хоногштлоо сонсдог байх аа :hihi:
Mulmanager хөгжүүлэгч нар манай уртын дууг дэлхий нийтийн чихэнд хоногшуулж байна даа :wd:
harin tiimee! anh multiman-ee update hiigeed orohod ene duu yavsan chine baharhah setgel turj bsii shu :hihi:

Re: PlayStation 3 сонин хачин

Posted: 07 May 2013, 14:33
by tuvshin_ua
Nacho wrote:Battlefield 3 хакдсан ps3 дээр сайхан ажиллаж байна шүү. Надаас авах нь аваарай
God of War Origins HD (Ghost of sparta, Chain of olympus) бас сайхан ажиллаж байна. Авах нь хард, ps3-аа барьж ирээд аваарай. Аан 3.55-аас өмнөх ямар ч тоглоом байлгаж болно шүү. Ps3-ын 1.5TB тоглоом байгаа. Шинээр маш хурдан татаж өгч болно
ps3 fat ghdee jailbreak hiigdeegui hackdsan togloom yaaj suulguulah ve

Re: PlayStation 3 сонин хачин

Posted: 07 May 2013, 23:53
by Nacho
Call of Duty: Ghosts анхны trailer:

Re: PlayStation 3 сонин хачин

Posted: 08 May 2013, 17:41
by Sunbeauty.
Зарна шүү

Австралиас авчираад 7, 8 сар л болсон байх нээх их тоглож байгаагүй ямарч асуудалгүй, зурган дээрх юмнуудтайн өгнө.

Үнэ 350.0-д шууд
Утас 99047714


Re: PlayStation 3 сонин хачин

Posted: 09 May 2013, 02:42
by HawK
Nacho wrote:Call of Duty: Ghosts анхны trailer:
bi uug ni MW-iin ghost yum bol uu gj bodson chine bish bsn bnlee. haramsaltai.

trailer-g harahad ghosts gsn shine COD-n neg angi. tgd neeh goe sanagdku l bgam da. haishiin tsag hugtsaagaar buren tonoglogdson nohoi mohoitoi bag ungursund ochij baildahiim uu haishiin haha.

Re: PlayStation 3 сонин хачин

Posted: 09 May 2013, 03:19
by HawK ... -next-week

ene sariin 15-nd Gran Turismo-n zarlal garah ni bn shuu. uuruur helbel GT6 garah ni