PS3 Hacks
Re: PS3 Hacks
Rogero CEX-4.30 v1.04 / multiMAN ver 04.11.11 / Showtime 04.01.208 ... 127&t=3708 ... 127&t=3708
Re: PS3 Hacks
3.67toi irsen ps3 slim-g hackdah jailbreak downgrade ntr hiih arga charga baina uu
Re: PS3 Hacks
shine multi-man
nadad taalagdaj bga zuil ni NTFS system demjdeg bolson bnlee shu
nadad taalagdaj bga zuil ni NTFS system demjdeg bolson bnlee shu
Re: PS3 Hacks
Originally Posted by deank
multiMAN 04.17.00 is now available online for cex/dex/stealth. (Updated from 04.16.06)
multiMAN ver 04.17.00 BASE (20121220).rar (111.88MB)
* multiMAN ver 04.17.00 BASE CEX (20121220).pkg
* multiMAN ver 04.17.00 BASE DEX (20121220).pkg
* multiMAN ver 04.17.00 BASE CEX STEALTH (20121220).rar
* Latest versions of mmRAS and mmRAS_server by aldostools
* Latest version of installPKG (with support for /dev_hdd0/PKGTMP)
* Showtime, bdRESET, stDISC, gameDATA, lastGAME as usual
Here are the changes from 04.16.02/03/04/05/06 to the latest:
* Improved overall speed of all functions and GUI
* Data Test/Verify functions now take fraction of the time compared to previous versions
* Improved 'Verifying data' of USB games by a factor of 50
* Improved scan before copying a game/folder
* Improved loading folders in mmOS
* Improved just a bit deleting games/folders
* Greatly improved loading content when browsing PS3 HDD/USB drives in game modes
* Loading Retro ROM/Video/Photo and ISO folders while browsing PS3 HDD/USB is now about 15 times faster
* Added "Friendly" name option in "Settings"/"Network Servers" for /net_host parties
* Fixed over-scrolling when browsing through large number of entries
* Increased max number of entries in game modes by 50% to 3072 (from 2048)
* Improved speed when copying games/files from/to USB HDDs
* Improved speed when copying games from PS3 Game Discs
* Improved speed when copying/browsing folders via FTP (LIST/MLSD)
* Added support for up to 99 pkg files in the [* Install Package Files] queue
* [* Install Package Files] function will scan /dev_hdd0/PKGTMP and will MOVE the queued pkg files from this folder (saving HDD space by not copying to temp location)
* mmOS will now honor the "Verify USB Games" setting when starting games from icons/shortcuts/game-folder
* Scanning for active USB storage devices is now performed in the background and will speed up loading games on 4.**CFW
* Verifying games in now performed in the background (when possible) to avoid delays when loading games
While on the 'improvement' track I decided to remove and completely rewrite another major function in mM - copying folders/games. Currently the memory used by the new function is down to 6MB (from 12MB - used to be 32MB in the beginning). While at it I added the double progress bar so you can monitor the progress for each file and the overall progress.
I used LittleBigPlanet game as a test/reference when I started improving things last week and finally got about 15-30% speed increase.
8343MB (240 files):
Before the optimizations:
HDD->USB = 13:20min (800 seconds) (~10.4MB/s)
USB->HDD = 11:30min (690 seconds) (~12.1MB/s)
After the optimizations:
HDD->USB = 10:30min (630 seconds) (~13.3MB/s) (about 28% faster)
USB->HDD = 08:30min (510 seconds) (~16.4MB/s) (about 35% faster)
Of course with games with less files the transfer speed hits the limit of the internal HDD (~30MB/s) or the external USB (~20MB/s) like for example copying GT5 (14056MB in 19 files):
HDD->USB = 15:05min (905 seconds) (~15.5MB/s)
USB->HDD = 11:58min (718 seconds) (~19.6MB/s)
Copying from PS3 Game Disc is at ~8.4MB/s (which is the max. read rate of the ps3 bd-drive).
It may not look THAT much faster, but probably with larger games the saved time will be a lot more. 5 or 15 mins saved is still something.
p.s. To those who wonder about the latest speed improvements - you may remember my posts during the year: "Saved 5MB or RAM here... 20MB or RAM there... another 15MB RAM saved..." so finally I found time to utilize the resources I managed to free. Now I had to rewrite a lot of functions from scratch and optimize them as much as I can. The result is more speed and stability.
DISCUSSION THREAD/NEWS SOURCE: multiMAN - Crunching Support & Releases - PS3Crunch
DOWNLOAD LINK #1 - BASE PACKAGE: multiMAN 04.17.00 - Sendspace (DeanK)
DOWNLOAD LINK #2 - BASE PACKAGE: multiMAN 04.17.00 - 4Shared (Thundersun)
DOWNLOAD LINK #3 - BASE PACKAGE: multiMAN 04.17.00 - BillionUploads
DOWNLOAD LINK #4 - BASE PACKAGE: multiMAN 04.17.00 - Putlocker
DOWNLOAD LINK - CEX BASE STANDARD PKG: multiMAN 04.17.00 CEX BASE - PS3SceneFiles (PatrickBatman)
DOWNLOAD LINK - DEX BASE STANDARD PKG: multiMAN 04.17.00 DEX BASE - PS3SceneFiles (PatrickBatman)
multiMAN 04.17.00 is now available online for cex/dex/stealth. (Updated from 04.16.06)
multiMAN ver 04.17.00 BASE (20121220).rar (111.88MB)
* multiMAN ver 04.17.00 BASE CEX (20121220).pkg
* multiMAN ver 04.17.00 BASE DEX (20121220).pkg
* multiMAN ver 04.17.00 BASE CEX STEALTH (20121220).rar
* Latest versions of mmRAS and mmRAS_server by aldostools
* Latest version of installPKG (with support for /dev_hdd0/PKGTMP)
* Showtime, bdRESET, stDISC, gameDATA, lastGAME as usual
Here are the changes from 04.16.02/03/04/05/06 to the latest:
* Improved overall speed of all functions and GUI
* Data Test/Verify functions now take fraction of the time compared to previous versions
* Improved 'Verifying data' of USB games by a factor of 50
* Improved scan before copying a game/folder
* Improved loading folders in mmOS
* Improved just a bit deleting games/folders
* Greatly improved loading content when browsing PS3 HDD/USB drives in game modes
* Loading Retro ROM/Video/Photo and ISO folders while browsing PS3 HDD/USB is now about 15 times faster
* Added "Friendly" name option in "Settings"/"Network Servers" for /net_host parties
* Fixed over-scrolling when browsing through large number of entries
* Increased max number of entries in game modes by 50% to 3072 (from 2048)
* Improved speed when copying games/files from/to USB HDDs
* Improved speed when copying games from PS3 Game Discs
* Improved speed when copying/browsing folders via FTP (LIST/MLSD)
* Added support for up to 99 pkg files in the [* Install Package Files] queue
* [* Install Package Files] function will scan /dev_hdd0/PKGTMP and will MOVE the queued pkg files from this folder (saving HDD space by not copying to temp location)
* mmOS will now honor the "Verify USB Games" setting when starting games from icons/shortcuts/game-folder
* Scanning for active USB storage devices is now performed in the background and will speed up loading games on 4.**CFW
* Verifying games in now performed in the background (when possible) to avoid delays when loading games
While on the 'improvement' track I decided to remove and completely rewrite another major function in mM - copying folders/games. Currently the memory used by the new function is down to 6MB (from 12MB - used to be 32MB in the beginning). While at it I added the double progress bar so you can monitor the progress for each file and the overall progress.
I used LittleBigPlanet game as a test/reference when I started improving things last week and finally got about 15-30% speed increase.
8343MB (240 files):
Before the optimizations:
HDD->USB = 13:20min (800 seconds) (~10.4MB/s)
USB->HDD = 11:30min (690 seconds) (~12.1MB/s)
After the optimizations:
HDD->USB = 10:30min (630 seconds) (~13.3MB/s) (about 28% faster)
USB->HDD = 08:30min (510 seconds) (~16.4MB/s) (about 35% faster)
Of course with games with less files the transfer speed hits the limit of the internal HDD (~30MB/s) or the external USB (~20MB/s) like for example copying GT5 (14056MB in 19 files):
HDD->USB = 15:05min (905 seconds) (~15.5MB/s)
USB->HDD = 11:58min (718 seconds) (~19.6MB/s)
Copying from PS3 Game Disc is at ~8.4MB/s (which is the max. read rate of the ps3 bd-drive).
It may not look THAT much faster, but probably with larger games the saved time will be a lot more. 5 or 15 mins saved is still something.
p.s. To those who wonder about the latest speed improvements - you may remember my posts during the year: "Saved 5MB or RAM here... 20MB or RAM there... another 15MB RAM saved..." so finally I found time to utilize the resources I managed to free. Now I had to rewrite a lot of functions from scratch and optimize them as much as I can. The result is more speed and stability.
DISCUSSION THREAD/NEWS SOURCE: multiMAN - Crunching Support & Releases - PS3Crunch
DOWNLOAD LINK #1 - BASE PACKAGE: multiMAN 04.17.00 - Sendspace (DeanK)
DOWNLOAD LINK #2 - BASE PACKAGE: multiMAN 04.17.00 - 4Shared (Thundersun)
DOWNLOAD LINK #3 - BASE PACKAGE: multiMAN 04.17.00 - BillionUploads
DOWNLOAD LINK #4 - BASE PACKAGE: multiMAN 04.17.00 - Putlocker
DOWNLOAD LINK - CEX BASE STANDARD PKG: multiMAN 04.17.00 CEX BASE - PS3SceneFiles (PatrickBatman)
DOWNLOAD LINK - DEX BASE STANDARD PKG: multiMAN 04.17.00 DEX BASE - PS3SceneFiles (PatrickBatman)
Re: PS3 Hacks
Сайхан сайхан. Бүх юм улам л гоё болоод байна шүү.
PS2, PSP2000, PS3, Xbox1, Xbox360, Wii, SegaGenesis
Re: PS3 Hacks
Hi, systemee ofw 4,31 bolgotson, jailbreak hiih arga bga yu?
Re: PS3 Hacks
Downgrade хийж магадгүй. Өөрөөр бол CFW суулгах ямар ч боломжгүй. Тэр Rogero CFW 4.30 энэ тэр бол зөвхөн 3.55 дээр л суудаг юм.m4r1ne wrote:Hi, systemee ofw 4,31 bolgotson, jailbreak hiih arga bga yu?
PS2, PSP2000, PS3, Xbox1, Xbox360, Wii, SegaGenesis
Re: PS3 Hacks
Nacho ter Rogero-g ni turshaad tutorial hiicheech hehe
Re: PS3 Hacks
Ps3 ee 4.30 update hiih gsn chine iim aldaa zaagaad bhin update data of version 2.45 or later can be installed on this system yah u?
Re: PS3 Hacks
Чи хэрвээ CFW3.55-тай бол заавал OFW3.55 суулгаж байгаад OFW-ээр л update хийх ёстойдоо. Гэхдээ нээрээ OFW4.30 дээр CFW4.30 суудаггүй гэж байсан шүү нээрээ. Ёстой мэдэх юм алга. Сайн судал судалHawK wrote:Ps3 ee 4.30 update hiih gsn chine iim aldaa zaagaad bhin update data of version 2.45 or later can be installed on this system yah u?
PS2, PSP2000, PS3, Xbox1, Xbox360, Wii, SegaGenesis
Re: PS3 Hacks
zaaval 3.55 deer suudag l gj bnlee l de. gadaadiin forum uud deer nadtai adil asuudaltai humuus zunduu bh l yum bn lee. daan ch asuudlaa shiidsen hun neg ch baidagguiNacho wrote:Чи хэрвээ CFW3.55-тай бол заавал OFW3.55 суулгаж байгаад OFW-ээр л update хийх ёстойдоо. Гэхдээ нээрээ OFW4.30 дээр CFW4.30 суудаггүй гэж байсан шүү нээрээ. Ёстой мэдэх юм алга. Сайн судал судалHawK wrote:Ps3 ee 4.30 update hiih gsn chine iim aldaa zaagaad bhin update data of version 2.45 or later can be installed on this system yah u?
Re: PS3 Hacks
Баларсан юм. Болохгүй бол official firmware л хэрэглэждээ.
PS2, PSP2000, PS3, Xbox1, Xbox360, Wii, SegaGenesis
Re: PS3 Hacks
miniih odoo OFW 3.55 bnNacho wrote:Баларсан юм. Болохгүй бол official firmware л хэрэглэждээ.
Re: PS3 Hacks
CES 2013 uzeerei humuusee. goe goe yum zunduu bolj bn. shine shine tech-uud garj bn.
Re: PS3 Hacks
CES гэж юу билээ?HawK wrote:CES 2013 uzeerei humuusee. goe goe yum zunduu bolj bn. shine shine tech-uud garj bn.
PS2, PSP2000, PS3, Xbox1, Xbox360, Wii, SegaGenesis
Re: PS3 Hacks
Togloom hiideg studio bur E3 bolon Gamescom deer buh saihan buteeluudee taniltsuuldagtai adil jil bur CES buyu Consumer Electronics Show gj yum boldog. enen deer buh electronic uildveruud buyu Sony sumsung LG Microsoft Nvidia geh uildveruud buh shine ireeduid garah buteegdehuunuudee sonirhuuldag. uneheer sonirholtoi zuiluud bdag shuu! jisheelbel nodilon jil Sumsung Flexible OLED display(uyan chanartai nuglardag delgets) taniltsuulj bsn. erun hun bur sonirhoosoi gj bodoj bn. ene zuild shingej bj l delhiin techniktei hul niiluulen alhana shuNacho wrote:CES гэж юу билээ?HawK wrote:CES 2013 uzeerei humuusee. goe goe yum zunduu bolj bn. shine shine tech-uud garj bn.
Re: PS3 Hacks
Jisheelbel ene jil Microsoft shine kinect ee taniltsuuljeeHawK wrote:Togloom hiideg studio bur E3 bolon Gamescom deer buh saihan buteeluudee taniltsuuldagtai adil jil bur CES buyu Consumer Electronics Show gj yum boldog. enen deer buh electronic uildveruud buyu Sony sumsung LG Microsoft Nvidia geh uildveruud buh shine ireeduid garah buteegdehuunuudee sonirhuuldag. uneheer sonirholtoi zuiluud bdag shuu! jisheelbel nodilon jil Sumsung Flexible OLED display(uyan chanartai nuglardag delgets) taniltsuulj bsn. erun hun bur sonirhoosoi gj bodoj bn. ene zuild shingej bj l delhiin techniktei hul niiluulen alhana shuNacho wrote:CES гэж юу билээ?HawK wrote:CES 2013 uzeerei humuusee. goe goe yum zunduu bolj bn. shine shine tech-uud garj bn.
Machinima survaljlaga
IGN survaljlaaga
[youtube] ... jzeO-6q0_f[/youtube]
Sumsung-iin conference
busdiin ta nar uursduu youtube eer haigaad uzeerei. bi erduu 4% iin l post lloo shu
Re: PS3 Hacks
REBUG CFW-ууд чинь өөр хоорондоо чөлөөтэй Upgrade, Downgrade болдог юм байна ш дээHawK wrote:miniih odoo OFW 3.55 bnNacho wrote:Баларсан юм. Болохгүй бол official firmware л хэрэглэждээ.
PS2, PSP2000, PS3, Xbox1, Xbox360, Wii, SegaGenesis